(1). 開啟SW3(電源開關),按下SW1(POW ON)按鍵,之後馬上按住SW14按鍵不放,約五秒鐘左右。
(2). 進入ADP-AG102-UP的Diagnostic Menu。
(3). 輸入〝2〞按下Enter,選擇Set-up選項,在輸入〝2〞按下Enter,進入Command Line選項。
(4). 輸入〝help〞按下Enter,可以看到所有可以輸入的指令。
Command list:
Type >>CMD help<< for detail command infomation
=== common operations =================================================
go (Go to address)
jal (Jump and link to address)
loadb (Load data with kermit)
r32 (Read 32 bit data)
w32 (Write 32 bit data)
mcopy32 (32-bit memory copy)
cast (Dump binary content)
checksum (32-bit checksum)
r8 (Read 8-bit data)
w8 (Write 8-bit data)
=== platform configuration =============================================
auxcfg (Set aux system)
tc01 (Set aux system)
cache (Set I&D cache or NTC0)
getsr (Get system register)
setsr (Set system register)
rtc (Read RTC data)
cclk (Get CPU clock)
l2cc (Dump pfm counter)
uartsw (Switch uart port)
ahb2ahb (0/1/2/3/4) (0/1/2) (slv0/slv1/slv2/slv3/bdg_slv);(per_enh off/on/+retry)
core (0/1) (Boot by core 0/1)
core1cfg (0/1) (Core1 Config 0/1)
burn (burn data to rom)
update (load image to 0x600000)
i2c.r16 dev_addr reg_addr (i2c read 16-bit)
i2c.w16 dev_addr reg_addr data (i2c write 16-bit)
alc5630reg (Realtek ALC5630 reg)
alc5630w (Realtek ALC5630 write)
mxic.bench (MXIC ROM benchmark)
pwroff.delay (Power Button Test)
=== cf/sd operation ====================================================
sdload (Load file from SD to address
sdexec (Load and run file from SD)
sdbatch (Batch process)
sdcast (Display binary file content)
sdcat (Display text file content)
sdls (Display dir content)
sdpath (Show directory)
exit (Exit CLI, back to upper level)
timer (timer switch)
load_from_ice (prepare to load program from ice)
(5). 將SD卡插入ADP-AG102-UP的SD卡插槽內,
輸入〝sdload tc01.bin 0x2000000〞 將程式放在記憶體0x2000000的位址,tc01.bin是Linux kernel,這裡只時拿tc01.bin這個檔案做實驗,
輸入〝go 0x2000000〞執行記憶體0x2000000的位址的程式。
(6). 最後結果可以看到進入SD卡Load進ADP-AG102-UP記憶體0x2000000位址的Linux Kernel。